Welcome to my Digital Portfolio

Hello and Welcome to My Digital Portfolio. My Name is Makshud Ahmed Chowdhury and I am a student at Lewisham College. The Purpose of My Digital Portfolio is that it can help me as I want to apply for an IT Professional Job once My Course is completed.  I can do this is to create a portfolio, so employers will be able to see images and videos to do with the course and how I have completed it.
On My Digital portfolio, I will have to have a section of my Work as work that was written, images, animation that I have made and all necessary work, as website development (This shows the website that how I have created it all by myself and how it benefits me)and all the work that I have done in my course. Users that are on the site will be interested as I will put a selection of assets including Multimedia with a combination of Texts and Images.

On My Digital Portfolio, My CV will be Included also all Activities that are Completed for Awards, my Work and all the other qualifications that I have achieved during my course and before. I will also include where I did my work experience and what skills I achieved whilst working there and how I felt about all of it. The Focus of My Digital Portfolio is the employer to notice my skills, qualifications and experience.
Another Main purpose is That I will like to show the Employer is that I am very capable and can do the required tasks for them, also that I can reach the company objectives. I should show all the skills to the employer that will be required for the role that will be given to me or will be to do with the role that I applied for. I will use a variety of the coursework unit that I  have Studied this year to show the Specific Section I will be able to work in.

This will be showing my Course grades and My GCSE grades as well. The digital portfolio will show my hobbies and will show all my interests.
The final purpose of my Portfolio is to make it easy for the Employer or for Anyone to know more about me as if they cannot find out this information quickly then they could just leave the site and go to someone else’s website.
The Audience of My Portfolio is for The Employers. The Employers who are looking for IT professionals to take on. They will possibly browse the internet for young adults who could work for them and I will want them to be able to find my portfolio and could help them a lot.
 They could be the ones who are responsible of Job recruitment or they could be the managers of the department looking for employees. They will want to know about you outside the work section not just about your course.

The Website will have to be professional, attractive to the users so they will like it and so it can be easy to access and it will not be hard to find anything. Good Luck Everyone.
